The N-litter was born May 28, 2008
Sire: StrandWiks
I Like It Like That
Dam: StrandWiks Gwyneth
3 males & 1 female
Nemo lives with Kirsten
& Harald in Norway
Czech JuniorChamp &
Junior Clubchamp StrandWiks Neo "NEO" lives with Petra, Angel Navajo in Czech Republic.
Nigella "IIRIS" lives at Sanillan in Finland.
Good luck with your
5 days old;
Male 3, Male 2, Female, Male 1.
Neo & Iiris 11 weeks!
******************************************** Male
1; StrandWiks Nemo, aka NEMO
Our little boy at 4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
Male 2; StrandWiks
Norton, aka NORTON
5 weeks, handler Julia.
9 weeks
Norton stay's
at StrandWiks, see more photo's of Norton here!
Male 3; StrandWiks
Neo, aka NEO
more of "NEO".
The biggest boy at 4 weeks
6 weeks
9 weeks
Neo at his new home at Petra. Here is Judit
& Neo!
Neo 5 months
Neo 6 months
The girl; StrandWiks Nigella,
more of "IIRIS" here!
3 weeks
9 weeks
12 weeks
12 weeks